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IWA/CC 3-16-05

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Chairperson Elizabeth Warren, Audrey Delnicki, Philip Forzley, William Grace, Carol Heffler, Barbara Kelly, and Richard Muller

STAFF PRESENT:  Jeff H. Folger, Environmental Planner/Conservation Officer
Debbie Reid, Recording Secretary

ITEM:  Minutes

The February 2, 2005 minutes were approved by general consensus of the Commission.

The March 2, 2005 minutes were approved with corrections by general consensus of the Commission.

ITEM:  Conservation Commission

There will be 600 seedlings of Witch Hazel planted on Saturday, April 9, 2005 at the Nevers Road Park.

ITEM:  Wetland Officers Report

Site walks are available.

ITEM:  Public Hearing:

Appl. #05-03W – Teaberry Senior Residence Development

Attorney Joe Ryan of 117 Hartford Turnpike came before the Commission to represent this application.  He explained that it is necessary to get a special permit to construct senior housing.  This application will be brought before the Town Council in April, 2005 in regards to an easement the applicant would like the Town to grant.  There is no activity except landscaping and grading that will be done in the wetlands.  The Association will maintain the detention basin on the property.  The proposed water discharge management for this site is appropriate and will not affect Unity Church or Lakewood residents.

Ms. Karen Isherwood an Engineer with Design Professionals came before the Commission to represent this application.  She explained that there are twenty-five units for senior housing with approximately 1200 linear feet of private roadway.  All of the foundations are outside of the upland review area.  Two detention basins will be provided on the site.  There is proposed six acres of disturbance to the wetlands, which drain, northwesterly off site onto Town

property and then eventually into the Mill Pond.  This plan has been modified to direct as little flow as possible into a small basin, which has been pulled away from the upland review area.  John Ianni has done a site walk and a report from him will be presented to the Commission.  Ms. Isherwood explained the engineering aspects of this plan to the Commission.  Erosion and sedimentation control measure that have been taken are an anti-tracking pad at the entrance; stock pile to be located outside the upland review area to the rear, silt fencing located down gradient of all disturbed areas and silt fencing along the excavation down the slopes.  Four-foot sumps have been incorporated into this plan to address Town staff comments.

Answering questions from the Commission, Ms. Isherwood explained that the area was flagged by John Ianni.  There should be negligible impact to Quarry Brook.

Mr. Dick Boston, Landscape Architect with Design Professionals came before the Commission to review what is being proposed for the detention basin plantings.  The plan will assist in minimizing the erosion control and stabilizing the basins.  The sides of the basin will be planted with Tall Fesque and the bottom will be hydroseeded with a Conservation New England Wet Mix.  The basin will be amended on the bottom with 20% organic material.  This basin was originally proposed as a dry basin, but because it is now being used for water quality renovations before it goes through the piped system into the Podunk, it has become a wet bottom basin.  The plantings may be changed.

The Commission discussed in length that they would like to hear the applicant talk about mitigation near the open field.  Jeff stated there could be some opportunities for habitat enhancement.


Mr. Paul Otterway who is President of the Lakewood Association came before the Commission and stated that as long as the design stays as proposed in this new plan, there are not objections.  The only concern now is regarding the detention time for water in the detention basin.  There is concern from the Association members that there will be a mosquito problem.

Jeff explained that the basin is expected to be wet all of the time, but will not have standing water in it.  Monitoring of the basin could be done.  If a problem arises, a very effective larvacide could be applied within the basin, which are non-toxic to everything but mosquito larva.

Mr. Jeff Doolittle the Town Engineer came before the Commission to voice concerns that the Town has.  The easement for the drainage way should be

extended past the end of the pipe to the end of the constructed drainageway.  This would require an easement from the downstream property owner.

With no further comments or questions, the public hearing was continued until April 20, 2005.

Appl. #05-13W – Emerald Green/Teaberry Senior Residence Development Drainage

Ms. Karen Isherwood came before the Commission to represent this application.  She explained that the project consists of 15 acres, 12 of the acres are for lot #3, which is for the senior residence development.  There is a revision to the original plan, which consists of an alternative drainage pattern.  The plan calls for the detention basin to outlet to a proposed structure within the street.  There will also be two more catch basins in the street to collect run off.  The runoff will go through the system, down the bottom of the slopes through a private easement.  Ms. Isherwood explained the modifications made to the basin, raised the elevation; eliminated the guardrail associated with the steeper slopes; and lessened the slopes.

The sedimentation and erosion controls will remain the same as originally proposed.  These will be approximately 2400 square feet of disturbance to the upland review area and 1800 square feet of direct impact to the wetlands.  The Director of Public Works voiced his concerns regarding the stability of the soils on the slope.  Ms. Isherwood ensured Mr. Gantick that a stabilized slope could be achieved and they would provide the necessary measures.

Jeff stated that he would like a detailed construction narrative, a detail of erosion and sedimentation control matting, and a planting plan which will include deep rooted plants.  Jeff would like to have the applicant put some stone checks within the basin for the slow water through the basin in order to maximize residence time for water quality renovation.

Answering questions from the Commission, Ms. Isherwood explained that the manholes have drop structures in them.  The impervious surface will be increased so the orifice on the outflow structure in the detention basin is six inches, this will restrict flows.

Jeff Doolittle, the Town Engineer came before the Commission to address issues the Town has with this plan.  He explained that the Town has concerns regarding the location for discharge.  There are steep slopes where there is potential for erosion.  The proposed easement crosses lawn and goes under two fences.  This would require the fences to be knocked down if any repairs are required.  There is no way to get a normal vehicle down to the discharge area to

do any repairs.  The Town has located an alternative location just south of this area.  There is an existing gully, which has eroded over time.  A pipe could be placed in the gully and then it can be repaired over the top of the pipe to be graded.  There should be details for the outlet, riprap, plunge pool and level spreader.  Because of the flooding in this area, the Town would suggest that these pipes are put out at the curb line and the man holes are made into catch basins.

Ms. Isherwood responded by explained that the area that is being suggested for the discharge area is under ownership of Podunk Ridge.  The plan would offer more wetlands impact, would require repairs and the applicant does not have access.

The Commission had a lengthy discussion regarding the area the Town proposed to use for discharge.  The applicant will inquire to Podunk Ridge about using the area.


Mr. Tim Friend, 887 Ellington Road came before the Commission.  He stated that he feels this to be a better plan then what was previously proposed.  This plan gives better drainage for the whole area.

Mr. Paul Otterway came before the Commission and stated that he reviewed the plan and has no objections.

This application was continued until the April 6, 2005 meeting.

Appl. #05-15W – Town of South Windsor

Mr. Jeff Doolittle, Town Engineer for the Town of South Windsor came before the Commission to represent an application for the Lake Street property adjoining the Nevers Road Park.  He explained that the Town was previously before the Commission to get permission to dredge out the pond, but never requested a path connecting Lake Street to Nevers Road Park.  The path is felt to be necessary because people are parking their vehicles on Lake Street now and walking through the area to get to Nevers Road Park.  Lake Street is very narrow and parking vehicles in the street could be very hazardous.  


Mr. Tony Desmond came before the Commission to voice his concerns with this application.  He feels the path is a great idea but is concerned with putting a parking area on the side of Lake Street because of the sight lines coming out of

the parking area will not be good.  Mr. Doolittle explained that the reason for the parking area is to stop people from parking their vehicles on the side of the road.

Motion to:      approve with conditions appl. #05-15W – Town of South Windsor – Lake Street – Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission – application for regulated activities in connection with the construction of two trail crossings associated with Nevers Road Park trail system on property located southerly of Lake Street.  Rural Residential zone.
Was made by Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by Commissioner Delnicki
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

ITEM:  Old Business

Appl. #04-83W – John Fitch Partnership, 1249 John Fitch Blvd.

Request to modify the conservation easement, approval condition #8 which reads, establishment of a conservation easement along the limit of clearing on the western side of the property, eastern limit of clearing and around the detention basin.  The Commission discussed this issue at length and felt there was no merit to change the decision made.

ITEM:  Adjournment

Motion to       adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m.

Was made by Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by Commissioner Muller
The motion: carried
The vote was as follows: unanimous

Respectfully submitted

Debbie Reid
Recording Secretary